Emily Hermandez

Emily Hernandez

Undergraduate Assistant

My name is Emily Hernandez. I am from Las Vegas Nevada, but I grew up in the wonderful city of Leon Guanajuato, Mexico. This fall 2022 I am starting my third year here at the University of Idaho as an undergraduate student where I am double majoring in Biology and Medical Sciences, I am also a Midshipman in NROTC. After college, I am hoping to become a medical officer in the U.S. Navy and attend USUHS. During my free time, you can spot me trying out different restaurants downtown and taking pictures of random things I see. I also enjoy playing soccer, drinking coffee, and energy drinks. I am excited to be a new member of Dr. Luckhart’s Lab, and I am looking forward to learning more things about this new opportunity that will help me expand my knowledge and skills in this field.

  • Deployed with the US Navy